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Different Kinds of Canker Diseases That Need a Tree Service in Santa Monica, CA

Canker Diseases on Trees

Cankers are essential “sores” that appear on a tree branch or trunk and destroy woody cell tissue in a specific location. Cankers are frequently described as “sunken areas” that jut through cracked or blistered bark. Some cankers are quite obvious, which is typical of persistent or target cankers. Fungi commonly enter the tree through wounds in the bark or branch stubs, which is how canker diseases are brought on. Cankers can become more likely if pruning is done incorrectly; that’s why hiring a tree service is essential when you encounter such things. Some of the tree canker diseases are shown here.

Hypoxylon Canker

This tree fungus stunts growth and threatens the life of the tree. This fungus often attacks stressed or wounded trees rather than healthy hardwoods since it’s a secondary invader. The cankers initially appear light brown or tan and appear dry and dusty. They will become silvery gray with sporadic black specks in a matter of weeks.

Cytospora Canker

One of the most harmful diseases of spruces is a tree fungus known as Leucostoma canker. The area of the tree behind the canker dies as a result of this fungus spreading into the inner bark. branches start to die at the tree’s base and go upward. Bark deformation is minimal to nonexistent, and cankers are barely perceptible. On diseased branches, the needles turn gray and brown.

Phytophtoria Bleeding Canker

Bleeding cankers are wet-appearing, seeping spots on the trunks of ornamental and shade trees that are brought on by different species of the Phytophtoria fungi. These cankers affect the tree’s vascular system and prevent crucial energy transfers. Above the infected area, there may be reddish-brown fluid pouring from a crack in the bark, scant, pale foliage, the beginnings of branch dieback, and a strong alcohol-like, fermenting odor that draws insects to the tree’s diseased sections.

If you are looking for a reliable tree service provider who can help you deal with these cankers on your trees, turn to Nuñez Tree Company Inc. We are based in Santa Monica, CA. You can contact us at (310) 469-9156 for any inquiries and scheduling.